Overview |
JSD (Javascript Documentor) GLM-JSD is a JavaScript Documentation utility very similar to Java's javadoc and .NET's documentation utilities. It will read in a single .js javascript file and create a series of html documentation files. |
Tags: |
<name> The name of the object. (Required) Attributes: type The type of object. Supoorted types are object and function. The default type is object. (Optional) Example: /// <name>MyString</name> defines an object. /// <name type="function">MyFunction</name> |
Command Line Examples:
jsd MySourceFile.js
This creates the documentation files in the current directory.
jsd --output-dir docs MySourceFile.js
This creates the documentation files in the specified "docs" directory.
jsd --title "My JavaScript API" MySourceFile.js
This creates the documentation files with a custom title in the current directory.
jsd --footer "This JavaScript API was created by me." MySourceFile.js
This creates the documentation files with a custom footer in the current directory.
jsd --stylesheet "MyStylesheet.css" MySourceFile.js
This creates the documentation files with a custom stylesheet to use instead of the default one. |
Online Example |
View an online example of the JSD output at http://www.godlikemouse.com/glm-framework . View an onlin example of a documented JavaScript file at http://www.godlikemouse.com/glm-framework/glm-framework.js . |
Download |
Download the latest version at http://sourceforge.net/projects/glm-jsd/ |
Author |
JSD (JavaScript Documentor) was developed by Jason Graves (GodLikeMouse) http://www.godlikemouse.com as is free to use under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the README file for more details. |